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The Paragraph BOok 3.....

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My oldest used the Paragraph Book series prior to starting MCT's Paragraph Town. I really like TPB because it is very thorough and step-by-step. MCT clearly assumes his audience knows the basics, which is probably true for most PS kids by 4th/5th grade but isn't necessarily true in a HS setting. Things like formatting (center your title, indent the first word in each paragraph, etc.) and other stuff that I personally tend to take for granted so it doesn't occur to me that I need to specifically teach.


You don't need the TM as it's geared toward classroom use and I found that I didn't need the answer key to the end-of-chapter quizzes.

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Here is the TOC for books 1 & 2:


Book 1: Writing the How-to Paragraph

Chapter 1: Giving Instructions

* The FNTF [first, next, then, finally] formula

* Who is your audience?


Chapter 2: Format

* Formatting a paragraph two ways [handwritten, typed]

* What to look for

* Use these questions to check for format mistakes

* How to make format corrections

* A list of editing marks


Chapter 3: Capitalization and Punctuation

*C & P rules

*C & P: what to look for

* Use these questions to check for C & P mistakes

* How to make C & P corrections

* Add to your list of editing marks


Chapter 4: Subjects

* Silent [implied] you

* Subjects: what to look for

* Use these questions to check for subject mistakes

* How to make subject corrections

* Add to your list of editing marks

* How to choose a title

* Specific or broad?

* Is the title okay?


Chapter 5: Verbs

* Verb tense

* When to use the present tense

* Verbs: what to look for

* Use these questions to check for verb mistakes


Chapter 6: Thought Pt. I

*Thought: Does it make sense?

*Thought content: what to look for

*Fixing the title

*Adding words

*Adding missing information


Chapter 7: Thought Pt. II

*Two more points to think about


*Correcting a skimpy paragraph

*Checking for thought content mistakes


Chapter 8: The How-to Essay

*Building your essay from the ground up

*Follow the steps

*How the method works

*The completed essay: how it should look


Book 2: Writing the Paragraph That Tells a Story

Chapter 1: Telling About Something That Happened

*The factual story paragraph

*The fictional story paragraph

*Fiction vs. fact


Chapter 2: Transitions

*Connecting sentences in a logical sequence

*FNTF substitutes

*Helping your paragraph to read smoothly

*Building interest

*Adding more steps to your story paragraph


Chapter 3: Subjects- The Two P's


*Point of view

*Changing third person to first person

*Changing first person to third person


Chapter 4: Verbs- What's Happening? And When?

*Power-packed verbs

*Tense means time

*Past tense: regular and irregular


Chapter 5: Titles and Beginning Sentences

*Matching titles with beginning sentences

*Creating titles


Chapter 6: Adding Speech

*The direct quote

*How to punctuate speech

*When characters talk [discusses declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, and imperative sentences but does not term them as such]

*Add to your list of editing marks


Chapter 7: Word Mistakes Pt. I

*Missing words

*Double words

*Dropped endings


Chapter 8: Word Mistakes Pt. II

*Words in the wrong order

*Words that are not grammatically correct


*Add to your list of editing marks


Chapter 9: Openers and closers

*The opener

*The closer


Chapter 10: A Longer Story

*How to write a longer story

*How to develop each sentence into a whole paragraph



Each chapter includes a quiz and lots of practice exercises for the student to complete. The answer key is in the TM but I didn't have any trouble correcting them without it for books 2-4. The TM is geared towards classroom use and I didn't bother getting it for books 2-4.


Full thread is here.

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