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If your dh (or you) has recently gotten a job...

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How did he/you find it? Monster.com? A friend of a friend? A headhunter?


I have suspected for some time now that job search approaches have changed significantly in the last ten years, but I'd like to hear some first hand accounts. :bigear::001_smile:


Thank you...and congratulations!


My last job (the one I still have) I got through careerbuilder.com -- before that point I thought those types of employment web sites were worthless, and no one EVER got a job through it... then I did.

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This is the combo that worked for my dh. He started a new job in CA just 2 years ago after 15+ years in academia. He's no longer teaching, but is now hands on, so a big change.

He knew he wanted a change and kind of let it be known by some folks who might have ideas of where to apply. Sadly, they just had ideas - no pull to get him that interview.

He had to use his own chutzpah and really self advocate for the job. It worked and we moved!


Don't lose hope, it sounds like you and your dh are a great team!



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