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Bored, bored, bored.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Hi! I think I overdosed on chocolate pudding while reading the Dugger thread. :-)


So here I am. Wired.

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It's only 7pm here in Hawaii.


I'm avoiding the child bedtime routine hoping dh will be home soon and joyfully take this chore (I mean routine) out of my hands.


I only picked off my children's plates of bowtie pasta for dinner and I had a beer- pretend I'm in Europe so you won't be shocked. :D


I promise I'll eat a well rounded prenatally balanced meal when dh gets home.



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Sounds great! (We had pizza for lunch! LOL)


Mrs M, where are you? I'm in TX and it's midnight, but we're late nighters anyway as dh works nights as a baker. (Yeah, I know.)


I'm going to find some chocolate. LOL


So what's on y'alls minds tonight? I just got a great deal on R&S Eng4!!

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AH! Hawaii! Fun stuff.


I don't have it in my sig, noticing y'alls sigs, my boys are 9, almost 5 (in a week and a half), and 3.


We're trying to decide what all to pay for with our 'economic stimulus' money we received Friday. I think we're going to pay bills, and then stick dh's next check in a savings account.


And start buying groceries in bulk.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Ours is just about spent. I bought all our school books for next year, ds17yo's class ring, and tomorrow we get summer passes to a local theme park.


Now we are going to squeak every last penny that comes through here to help deal with the coming inflation because of all the economic stimulation.

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AH! Hawaii! Fun stuff.


I don't have it in my sig, noticing y'alls sigs, my boys are 9, almost 5 (in a week and a half), and 3.


We're trying to decide what all to pay for with our 'economic stimulus' money we received Friday. I think we're going to pay bills, and then stick dh's next check in a savings account.


And start buying groceries in bulk.


Stimulus Check: good topic


Today, while watching a friend's child, I watched part of the BBC Planet Earth movie on Blue Ray, large screen, surround sound.




We are really tech-lite in our house. Not for lack of wanting on my dh's part- we just can't justify the $$$$$. He likes to *feel* what he is watching. I only think it is going to wake the children.:glare:


Now I'm having serious pangs of covetousness.


But since the stimulus check is coming......

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hehehe I know that feeling! We have digital cable for the kids and educational benefits, but only because it only added $25/mo to our cable bill and we can't get ANY channels otherwise.


We purchased a freezer with income tax return in Feb, and it's mostly been just SITTING here because we've not had the cushion to begin buying in bulk. And I'm trying to get dh to teach me how to bake our own bread. We shall see.


What'd y'all do for Mother's Day? We went camping with the cub scouts for training; my kids stayed with my mom and we picked them up yesterday afternoon. Dad cooked out burgers for us for dinner. (We'd eaten QUITE well over the weekend, not a burger or hotdog one, so they were welcome. LOL)

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Guest Virginia Dawn

We went to church, ate out Mexican, then sat at home waiting out the severe storm/ tornado watch in front of the TV. My kids watched Polar Express, lol.

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When my hubby was still deployed and I got our orders I made him a present with GIMP to give him the news:



Hoorah! I'll have to show this one to dh....if he ever gets home. It's not really that late, it just feels late. He's acting CO today, so perhaps he's had a few things to do :001_huh:. But still!! "Why don't he write [or call]?" - name that movie.


How long is your tour here?

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Hoorah! I'll have to show this one to dh....if he ever gets home. It's not really that late, it just feels late. He's acting CO today, so perhaps he's had a few things to do :001_huh:. But still!! "Why don't he write [or call]?" - name that movie.


How long is your tour here?


Dances with Wolves?


My hubby is helping man some exercise somewhere in the world so he's working late all week.


We'll probably be here 3 years. And you?

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Dances with Wolves?


My hubby is helping man some exercise somewhere in the world so he's working late all week.


We'll probably be here 3 years. And you?


I can't believe you knew it was Dances With Wolves!


Our tour is only 2 yrs, but we'll try to extend- we've already completed a quarter of the tour and we're not even in housing yet!!!:glare:


My dh did in fact get home, my youngest is fussy, and I need to go eat my well balanced meal. Closing down shop.


Sweet dreams.



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