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Anyone have dc take a class or two at school?

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How is that working for you?


We will probably have dds go to our decent public high schools for various reasons. Our rising 6th grader is not involved in sports, so we thought maybe being in band would help her arrive at high school with an activity to be involved in and a peer group of good kids. Band starts in 6th grade here and we can have her go to school for just band which we have decided to do. The registrar says that some other home schoolers then stay for science also. The school has a great 6th grade science teacher, so I'm contemplating it. But it's another 45 minutes out of our day. Has anyone here done something similar? What are the advantages and disadvantages to be thinking about?

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Hey Ali,


We're in Oregon, too. I have to say, IF I could... I'd stay out of the regular public school; I just can't think of a real reason to be in it. I have my 12 year old in ps right now, and while she's learning how to write for an absolutely GREAT teacher... the parts that are bad... aren't worth it. If I could have helped her learn those skills... any other way... I would have. She LOVES school... as her step sisters do/did... too... BUT, the problems are great... and you just aren't there. :(

Just some thoughts.... It's all about priorities... and whether you'll be able to keep them in school.


Yes on the band though... if they are going to be there... well... my daughter does band... and that's one of the good things ;)

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I have dd14 (8th) and ds12 (6th) in band at the local ps this year. It has been a real blessing because we haven't found any co-ops since we moved here. It has given them more exposure to instruments (a good thing!) and an outlet for making friends. I haven't heard great things about the middle school in general, and I haven't really been impressed with the admin folks I've dealt with there. But, I love the band teacher!! He has been so great with my kids!


They do not attend any other classes, but honestly, if science were immediately following band I would let ds stay for it. (I hate, hate, hate teaching science at this level. I don't know enough to give coherent explanations and experiments are a pain with the youngers wanting to participate too...)


Anyway, the only drawback is that 6th and 8th have two different band classes so on Mon. the other 3 dc and I wait (doing schoolwork in the van) outside in the parking lot while ds has band from 11-noon. We all do schoolwork from noon-1pm (usually RA's). Then, we leave dd at 1pm for her band class from 1-2pm and we go home. Dd takes the bus home as band is the last period of the day. I'm not super excited about the bus but this particular dd lives in her own world and probably doesn't notice anything happening on the bus anyway. Plus, after ds8 and dd6 have been in the car for 2+ hours, there is NO way they can wait another hour to bring dd home.


On Wed. dd's band meets 1st period so she takes the bus to school and I go pick her up at 8:30am. Then, ds has band at 11am and if the youngers are done with enough schoolwork by then they can stay home with big sister while I go. This is great motivation to get schoolwork completed early on Wednesdays and I enjoy the occasional free hour to read if the youngers do get to stay home on "recess."


On Friday only 8th grade has band but it's last period so I just drop of dd and come home.


Overall it has been a positive experience for us.:D

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I'm very excited to have my dd13 participate in a Classics Lit class at the local Christian school next year. She will read books like Augustine's City of God, Dante's Inferno, Shakespeare, Pilgrim's Progress.


I think discussing classical literature with others who have read the same book is invaluable.


I have 3 other younger kiddos to teach at home and I'm concerned that I won't be able to discuss these great works on a level that is adequate, since I'm just reading them myself!


She will also take a writing class and logic class. I love to teach writing, but I think again, here is a subject that lends itself to outsourcing. It is good to get feedback from another adult and her peers.


What I love too is the classes are for middle grades/high schoolers combined. So she will hopefully avoid the teeny bopper middle school girl drama that is common when same-age groups get together.


She will only spend a total of 4 hours a week in class, which will allow her to continue doing math, language, Latin, science at home, without too much disruption of her regular schedule.



Edited by Jean in CA
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