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Keeping my caterpillars alive?


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Just follow the instructions explicitly and you'll be fine. Keep the habitat away from drafts or excessive heat though. DH always wants to put it on my kitchen island near my cooktop, which is NOT a good place.


You don't have to feed or provide water until they become butterflies. At that point I give them a few orange slices, and then we let them go when they're 2-3 days past becoming butterflies. We let ours go Saturday.


Have fun!

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Ours just hatched yesterday. We didn't do anything other than keeping them out of direct heat and drafts. I was amazed at how fast the grew. We will most likely let them go in a couple days. It was way to cold today to let them go. I've been feeding them sugar water that I just drip in the bottom of the habitat. It was very easy.

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We let each of ours go free (amidst wild cheers from five very excited children) a couple of days ago. I was surprised that nine out of ten made it. (One died in "larvancy," may he rest in peace.) We kept them as butterflies inside the habitat for a couple of days, and then we started feeling sorry for them. We haven't seen any of them since we let them go, but my kids are still hoping...


In answer to your question--no, there's nothing you have to do except follow the instructions. I was truly amazed that it went so well; I usually fail miserably at projects involving living specimens.

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