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Megawords - What Level?

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I would encourage you to begin at the first level. Follow the instructions for testing to determine which list is your starting point.


I happened to notice in your signature that you do not list a formal spelling program. I would consider using a fourth grade level Spelling Workout or Rod and Staff spelling program too. These are phonics based and cover structure and style for spelling.


I would pick up a vocabulary program too. If nothing else, assign the pages for completion. Exposure to vocabulary is needed whether you pursue it formally or informally. I do suggest something beyond just the words contained within the readings. (I am informal with vocabulary. I choose to not test. Yet, we keep a "cool words" box for writing. Perhaps this is a way of encouraging remembrance? It does seem to work well for us.)

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We don't use a formal spelling program... And there is my biggest debate. DD *absorbed* words. They just popped in her head. We had and attempted to use Spelling Power and Spelling WO with her but it was a pointless waste of time. She simply progressed faster than the workbooks and it was sheer busy work.


DS took forever to read, then we had to get a pencil in his hand. ;) Then we began with the same plan - Spelling Workout. Ugh. Then we moved to Phonetic Zoo, but we weren't good at being consistent with it.


So right now I'm trying to decide exactly WHICH direction to go in.


My littles use Explode the Code and we do a lot of written narration, copywork, and some dictation.


As far as vocabulary, Christian and Ana both do Latin and Vocabulary from the Classical Roots. Unfortunately the signature only allows so much and I had to max mine out on children, lol! ;)




I would encourage you to begin at the first level. Follow the instructions for testing to determine which list is your starting point.


I happened to notice in your signature that you do not list a formal spelling program. I would consider using a fourth grade level Spelling Workout or Rod and Staff spelling program too. These are phonics based and cover structure and style for spelling.


I would pick up a vocabulary program too. If nothing else, assign the pages for completion. Exposure to vocabulary is needed whether you pursue it formally or informally. I do suggest something beyond just the words contained within the readings. (I am informal with vocabulary. I choose to not test. Yet, we keep a "cool words" box for writing. Perhaps this is a way of encouraging remembrance? It does seem to work well for us.)

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Have you looked at Natural Speller? Stout, I think that is the last name of the author. Dang, there were a few more good ones in an older thread. Try searching out Megawords and Spelling Workout to come up with the rest of those posts. Worse comes to worse, ask the same age old questions again - "What spelling program do you use and why?" LOL


I am a Rod&Staff grammar and spelling user.

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