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Do you have a set Memorization time?


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I'm just putting together an index box for memorizations (following the CM method for memorizing scriptures - although as a secular household we'll be using the method for everything but). First up I've put in our AAS index cards, then I'll add the poems from FLL, then, history & science cards, etc.


How do families approach memorizations? I've read some threads where they schedule in a set time to recite all those cards for the relevant day.


At the moment, we do the AAS cards at spelling time. I initially thought we'd do the history cards at history time (which ATM is Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays), and science at science time (Tues, and Wednesday is lab day).


Would it be better to do all the memory work in one hit, on a daily basis, rather than by subject?


Thanks for your advice!

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We do it in the car. We have X amount to get through, and as soon as we are through they get fun music for the rest of the day's car time. If they are SLOOOOOW, then no music, and whatever remains has to be done the next day before starting that day's work.

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I am trying to have a set memorization time, from scripture memory, poetry, math facts, history facts, science facts, and do them with each consecutive subject. We TRY to do 2-3 minutes memorization with each one every day so not to do more than 10-15 minutes per day for all the subjects. My daughter loves memorization. i personally am not good at it

I can repeat it with her each time, and i still never remember them. LOL but at least she does. nancyt.

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We start each school day with both kids listening to me read a few poems, a chapter or so from our read-aloud, and then reciting the day's memory work. I found it is a really gentle way to start our day, and works really well for my DD7. I was often forgetting to do memory work with DS12, but now it is built in to our morning routine.

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We kind of do both. We review everything on our memory work board during a set memory time (we don't always get to it, but that's the plan, anyway), and then if specific things are also applicable in the individual subjects, we review then either as well or instead. Mostly we do it during the memory work time, though. I don't include AAS cards--we just do those when we're doing spelling. No particular reason, though!

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