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"What's in the Bible?" dvds


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Has anyone seen these? Reviews?


From their website:




What’s in the Bible?


What’s in the Bible? is a new DVD series from VeggieTales creator Phil Vischer designed to walk kids and families through the entire Bible. The 13 DVD-series will release beginning March 1, 2010.




Phil Vischer and Jellyfish Labs


In 1990, 24-year-old computer-animator Phil Vischer sat down to create a group of characters that could teach Christian values to kids in a delightfully different way. A tomato named Bob and a cucumber named Larry were born. VeggieTales would go on to revolutionize Christian filmmaking, selling more than 50 million videos and placing Phil’s faith-filled stories in one in every three American households with young children. Phil continues to pursue innovative new ways to integrate faith and storytelling through his new company, Jellyfish Labs. His projects include Jelly Telly, which provides faith-based daily programming via the internet at JellyTelly.com

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We have all five of them and love them! We're living with my folks right now and whenever we stick these in for our kids, my Dad comes in to watch too. They're very funny and very meaty at the same time. Where Veggie Tales is more about entertainment value, these videos are more about Biblical education. They don't assume that kids can't grasp serious explainations or concepts and really try to explain they whys and hows. They have a website where you can watch clips to get a feel if it's for your family or not. But we're eagerly planning on buying the whole 13 DVD set once they come out.


Our family loves them, but some things that might be a problem for some people.


They discuss Catholic saints and explain why the Catholic Bible has more books than the Protestant Bible.


They don't take a stance on the age of the earth. They explain that some people believe one thing and others believe another "and that's okay."


They discuss why we follow some laws from Leviticus and not others so if your opinion on those topics isn't the same it would be a problem


They don't shy away from discussing things like, Cain killed Abel, why David had Uriah killed and so on. There's no glossing over or softening it up. If it's in the Bible, they cover it.


Again, these aren't a problem for us, but I've seem some hearty discussions on this board about things that I never thought were an issue, so I thought I'd mention them.


Check them out for yourself, they're great!!

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I feel like an idiot admitting this, but I am a new enough Christian to not even know exactly what I should and shouldn't be worried about / offended by. If most mainstream Christians are OK with the teachings, then I am going to with "it's fine for us"!

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I feel like an idiot admitting this, but I am a new enough Christian to not even know exactly what I should and shouldn't be worried about / offended by. If most mainstream Christians are OK with the teachings, then I am going to with "it's fine for us"!


I was raised in a Christian home and went to Sunday School all my life, I would have said I "knew it." But I'm learning so much from these videos! They've done a great job presenting very difficult topics in very easy to understand ways. If you feel you are quite new to your faith, you will probably get TONS out of these DVDs. One of the characters says something along the lines of "after watching the last two DVDs I'm now ready to pastor a church. Well, maybe a very small one." :D


Lots of humor, lots of solid teaching! Enjoy!

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We use these for summer viewing pleasure in our Kid Min program -- they are wonderful resources! I learned alot of bible history while laughing along with the kids.




What age? I am hoping my 6 & 4 1/2 year olds aren't too young, but I guess we can always save them for few years if necessary!

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Absolutely love them! We have 1-4. Fun for younger kids (maybe 4 and up?), and also funny for older kids and adults -- while also treating the subject with respect -- and educational all around. The videos explain all sorts of things very clearly, such as the different groupings of books in the Bible (historical, Gospels, Pentateuch, etc.). I've recommend these videos to everybody I know!


You can get a pretty good glimpse at the website, I think.

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Absolutely love them! We have 1-4. Fun for younger kids (maybe 4 and up?), and also funny for older kids and adults -- while also treating the subject with respect -- and educational all around. The videos explain all sorts of things very clearly, such as the different groupings of books in the Bible (historical, Gospels, Pentateuch, etc.). I've recommend these videos to everybody I know!




That is what I call a glowing review! Can't wait til they get here!

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