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ADD homeschooling

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So morning sarted out respectable enough. Ds was memorizing a stanza from "Horatius at the Bridge" for a project. One of the words in the stanza was "either". Dd says ds should pronounce it as "eye-ther", but ds wants to say "ee-ther". I find this argument amusing and start singing "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off" (tomato, to-mah-to song). Kids think I'm weird, so I look up the song on Youtube. Then, we start exploring Jazz music with Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald. Then, a Willie Nelson video pops up on the side, so we start having a lesson on the awesomeness of Willie. Of course, one cannot talk about Willie without then including Waylon Jennings. Somehow Ray Charles was brought into the picture. How can one not love Ray and Willie singing "Seven Spanish Angels"? The lesson naturally progressed into a discussion of Fats Domino and his music. Our ADD session ended with everyone dancing to "Shake, Rattle, and Roll".


The kids are now listening to "A Wrinkle in Time".:tongue_smilie:

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