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Elemental Science - Physics for Grammar Stage


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Has anyone puchased this? Thoughts?


My son is very science minded, and we are finishing Lego Education Motors and Mechanisms this year. I'm wondering if I should do this level (he will be in grade 4 next year) or if we should go on to the Logic Stage. Though the content of the samples look good for him, he is not quite at the level to write a full page of text.


Did you buy the ebook or the printed?

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We are going to try physics next year for my rising 4th grader. He is very science oriented as well (loves history too). I bought the e-book a few weeks ago, but just printed it out last week. I like what I see. I seems well organized and doable. The lessons seem to be just enough, but there are recommendations for those who would like to dig deeper. I really like the projects throughout. I think ds will really enjoy that aspect of it, and it will be a good change for him. We've had a dud of science this year. We'll finish our current program, but we will gladly move on from it.

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