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Carmen, hello and a question for you

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I've actually been wondering if you were still on the board; maybe I've just missed you. At any rate, glad you're still here!


I'm looking at physics (AP C-level) books for ds and have some of your posts from the old board that I've copied and saved. At the time you had mentioned Halliday/Resnick/Walker, Serway and Fishbane. Would you care to elaborate on these at all? I hear lots about the HRW book, and that it's pretty "dumbed down". Then others rave about it. I don't have access to a copy, so I'm relying on other opinions. There is also HR & Krane...but maybe you've never seen that one. Fishbane *sounds* like it would be my first choice, but I'd really like to know what Taz liked, found most helpful, etc. Ds will be self-teaching, with a solid physics base.


BTW, congrats to Taz on going to St. Thomas in the fall!! My niece will be heading there as well!

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... you had mentioned Halliday/Resnick/Walker, Serway and Fishbane. Would you care to elaborate on these at all? I hear lots about the HRW book, and that it's pretty "dumbed down". Then others rave about it. I don't have access to a copy ...


Ms. Riding Hood, a passing thought .... Is there a college or university near you in "the sticks"? If so, there is a good chance that the college library might have copies of the books you mention. Alternatively, you might request a copy through inter-library loan.




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You can look at various physics texts in their entirety here: http://www.esnips.com/doc/185e82d6-5bb1-478f-8fca-219d2833f14c/Halliday-Resnick-Walker,-Fundamentals-of-Physics


Regarding the texts, HRW is a conceptual & calculus based text that does teach via plug & chug--great for a student that likes the whole picture, first. HRW easily fits a homeschooling setting without a tutor.


The other texts are more math driven like Saxon Physics, but not incremental or spiraling in presentation. Keep in mind that 60% of the AP calculus questions are conceptual in nature.


Also, is your ds taking the C:mechanics andr C: electricity & magnetism?


I'd supplement HRW & Serway with Feynmen's lectures. Most library's have them. And this linked site provides solutions to all the problems in texts by Feynman & other authors written to accompany the lectures: http://www.feynmanlectures.info/


I must add that Taz had a private tutor that used the 3 texts along with the Feynman lectures over 2.5 years while instructing Taz; however, you cannot go wrong coupling HRW with one or both of the other texts. I'd also see if you can find a graduate student your ds can ask questions of if your ds ever gets stuck.

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