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Is it just a fact of life when owning gerbils/rats/etc. ...that at some point

you will have mites in the tank? Sigh...


I always put the food and bedding in the freezer when I buy it...I've cleaned out the tanks with bleach twice since we've owned gerbils, which is just a little over 3 months...I clean out the tank bedding every 2-3 weeks...I give them sand baths once a week. So, why did I see two little mites (one in the tank, one on Pumpkin) this morning before the scheduled tank cleaning?


Sigh, again!


Just wondering if there are owners that probably have mites, but don't even know it because of how small they are?


Long sigh...


Would switching to a different bedding...other than the Aspen...cut down on the possibility of a continuing problem? I've been using a combo of Aspen, Carefresh, and Cell Sorb (that recycled paper stuff in pellet form). I looked through the Timothy hay bucket this morning, and didn't see one creepy crawly. Oh, I store the bedding in six gallon buckets with Gamma seals.


Any answers for me?




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