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Exercise for the day

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So far I've done 25 minutes on the treadclimber alternating between inclined and flat. I did the power 90 ab ripper, but a bit modified because sit ups hurt my lower back. I'll have to go back to ball crunches. I hula hooped for 10 minutes, but have to put on my walking boot to do more.


My motivation for the day are a few songs I'm obsessed with, mainly Sean Paul, loaded (legally) on my Ipod and played really loud! I think this playlist will keep me going for a while.:D


Anyone else?


(Just so I don't look too good; sunday I only did 15 minutes on the treadmill, mon, tue, wed were nothing, and yesterday I did 35 minutes on the treadmill. I'm attempting Power 90 but my lower back has been too sore and I am not about to hurt myself!)

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I took the day off, but that's because I can barely move and lift my arms due to doing 5 hours of yard work yesterday. I edged, trimmed and mowed our 1/3 acre lot that the rental house sits on and then I trimmed the azalea hedge as well as power washing the front stairs, garbage cans, driveway and truck.


I was spent, but I'll try to do something tomorrow, maybe a FIRM DVD or something.

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So far- 30 minutes treadmill, no incline because my legs keep cramping. Which could be due my hula hoop use. It feels good in the moment with painful consequences the next day (yes, I know how that sounds!). And I'm able to do about 100 crunches per set a couple times per day. I think I need to increase that because I'm not feeling it in the morning and it's getting annoying!

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