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asking a q for a family member - Minds in Motion

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Is anyone familiar with this program? From what I hear its quite expensive. I have very few details on it, as of yet so I came here.


So, my question is, can you get the same results at home? The mom is a home schooler and her son was just dx'd with a bunch of letters, has sensory issues, dyslexia, etc. She is doing her research and is bombarded with this program and that program and of course, they all cost big money. :glare:


I'd love to glean from moms here and tell me what you've done and used. She is planning on coming here and joining this board. Also, they are set up with OT and speech therapy through their insurance, but she wants to do everything to give her son the best. They also completely changed his diet - no casein, no dyes, no gluten... (he's 7) also one omega 3's, fish oil and other stuff. I'll let her post when she gets here... but the Minds in Motion has very little on the web and she wants some reviews. :bigear:




Thanks!! :001_smile:

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