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Teaching how to read music (for voice)


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My daughter's godmother is also our choir director, and she has very generously offered to give dd weekly voice lessons even though she isn't quite old enough to be in the choir yet. She said it would be helpful if I could teach dd how to read music in the time between their lessons (which will begin after Pascha (Easter)).


Not being very musically inclined myself, I'm wondering how to go about that. She said there are programs designed for reading music specifically for the voice. But I don't know how to go about finding a good one, and I thought someone here might be able to point me in the right direction.


Thanks for any help!

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There are some sight singing programs available, but all of them that I've seen are geared toward choirs and older students.


I teach voice, and it was really hard to find a music theory curriculum that wasn't tied to the piano. I finally found Ready to Read Music by Jay Althouse. I like it because it's a good, basic music reading program and it's reproducible. It's also very straightforward and usable for many different age levels.


If you talk to your daughter's godmother again and she has other recommendations (like specifics on the programs she mentioned), I'd love to hear them! :bigear:

Edited by Kirch
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