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Online Expos/webinars conundrum

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What do you do with your children when you're trying to pay attention to the fabulous webinars of an online Homeschooling Expo?


Today was only slightly better than the last time. I at least had prepared enough that they watched a movie for an hour and half and I knew what was for dinner! However, the schedule of an expo, as we all know, is usually longer than an hour and a half.


My 6 year old would spend all the time outside if I'd let him. I wish I could but we live in a townhouse community in the city and I can't let him be outside, unsupervised, for hours on end! I'd like his older sister to interract with him in more than just watching a video but she'd spend the entire day by herself in her room if I'd let her!


How do I get them to interact with each other without killing each other? And if need be, how do I get them to entertain themselves, as individuals?


Of course, then my husband came home needing all sorts of help when I had previously told him I would be on a webinar today. Oi!



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