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NoS Diet Weekly Check In: April 11

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OK - I said I would start this weekly thread some time ago and never did ;) Probably because I started to do well (lost 10 lbs.) and then fell off the wagon a month ago (gained 8 back).


At any rate, I'd like to start a weekly check-in for those of us doing the NoS Diet. Feel free to post here any successes, struggles, etc. I'll start - and yes I am going to post my stats for all the world to see :001_unsure: Don't feel like you have to, though. I am 5'8 and in a sz. 16/18 (16s are very tight/18s are a bit loose). Today I am 207 lbs. My goal is 140 lbs. and I would like to be a sz. 10. In a perfect world I would reach my goal size by Thanksgiving, and perhaps my goal weight by Christmas.


Looking forward to hearing from the NoS Dieters out there!

Edited by FindingLaurie
really stupid spelling mistake
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Well I haven't weighed myself for a few weeks now but I dont think I have put on any/much weight. I really hate that sinking feeling when I have though, so I am avoiding the scales- but in the mirror I think I look fine :)

I am loving the No S structure though and it feels like I am really integrating it well. I know I am eating less because of the no snacking. It really was a habit and I think i did it a lot out of boredom.

But I do enjoy my weekends and relaxing the no snacks and no sugar rules. Not that I eat much more really but the other day we were at some farmers' markets and I had 2 breakfasts (they were small but I did it without feeling guilty). And I gave myself permission to eat some fruit between meals.

The autumn weather has just hit here and suddenly my appetite has increased- but I am sure that is natural.

I just think of it as a lifestyle now, not as a diet.



ETA: OOOH, I did gather the courage to weigh myself this morning and was rewarded with zero weight gain. Woohoo (I am pretty much at my ideal weight after losing 5-6 kgs late last year on WW). Thankyou No S diet!

Edited by Peela
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Laurie, don't feel bad; you are in good company. :glare: I lost about 6 pounds, and then due to a series of unfortunate potlucks, birthdays and stress, gained it all back. Eh. At least I haven't gained back more than I lost.


But this thread comes at a good time, because I had already made up my mind to dust myself off and get back to it. If I lost that 6 pounds once, I can lose it again. I don't know that I can be at goal by Thanksgiving, but I can surely be a lot further down the road than I am now.


Peela, you've talked before about the structure of No-S, and I think that might be a key for me. I tend to think about the freedom of No-S, and then because I'm not paying sufficient attention to the structure, the diet aspect, I tend to just forget and eat whatever, whenever. Well, duh. Of course I'm not going to lose weight that way. So my goal this week is to focusfocusfocus on structure.


And in the Northern Hemisphere, as we head toward spring I am very much looking forward to having a taste for lighter foods, being hungry less often, and having nicer weather to get out and exercise.


Thanks for starting this thread, Laurie! I hope everyone has a good week this week.

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I am loving the No S structure though and it feels like I am really integrating it well. I know I am eating less because of the no snacking. It really was a habit and I think i did it a lot out of boredom.

But I do enjoy my weekends and relaxing the no snacks and no sugar rules...


I just think of it as a lifestyle now, not as a diet.


ETA: OOOH, I did gather the courage to weigh myself this morning and was rewarded with zero weight gain...


WTG, Peela! You are my NoS inspiration! I agree that the structure of NoS is the main factor that makes this "diet" work. There really isn't any thinking or planning involved.


Take yesterday for instance. Yesterday was Monday. My DDs and I had to go into town to take the dog to be groomed. We only go 4x/year (and only two of those times is it warm enough to sit outside at one of the little sidewalk cafes while we wait). It's always such a treat - the girls get Mirindas and ice cream, and I get an Eiskaffee (coffee, ice cream, and real whipped cream). It was a Monday and I had my Eiskaffee with zero guilt. Why? Beacuse it was an "S day" after all - it was a special day that happens only 2x/yr! I did, however, stick to NoS the rest of the day.


Laurie, don't feel bad; you are in good company...


my goal this week is to focusfocusfocus on structure.

I am right there with you! I was very hungry last night before bed, and almost ate a little pb on a piece of whole grain bread (that's what I usually do & I think it's a healthy snack). But then I remembered the No Snacking rule and talked myself out of it. I slept just as well and ate a decent breakfast this morning: high-fiber cereal and milk. Because I stuck to the structure of the diet, I saved myself 175 calories!


We can do it, ladies! Here's to a great week!

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