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WWYD with Spanish (well, and French) in this situation?


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Hello! :seeya:


This will be our first year HS'ing, and I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row...


I initially planned to use El Espanol Facil Jr. , but it seems to be better in theory than practice (according to reviews/comments I've seen).


A bit of background - languages are big in our family, mostly just because that's the way our lives fell into place. We speak our native language at home. Our DD5 speaks English as well - she picked it up just with me reading English books to her in two languages; we don't really watch TV, and our babysitter doesn't speak English. DD was speaking (albeit not perfect) English before she started going to a half day Montessori K this past fall.


I grew up in the US, but spent two years living and going to school in Mexico - at the time, my Spanish was as fluent as English. It's gotten rusty as I've not really used it much, but I can still certainly speak it.


I took both French and Latin in school, and I can carry on a fairly simple conversation in French.


Ideally, I'd like to give our kids a background in Spanish, French and Latin. I don't want to slam them with languages, I just want to introduce them gently and give them the foundations while they're at that "sponge" age.


I'm wondering if I should just get a bunch of books (and CD's with songs) in Spanish and do what I did with "teaching" her English? Or do I need a formal program? Or should I just add in some grammar with the books - like Getting Started With Spanish?


For French I'm thinking of L'art de dire as I'm much weaker in that language.


Ack! Help! Any thoughts????


(thank you...)

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Ack! Our kids would have a blast together ;-)


French, English, Spanish, Latin and Mandarin are the languages of our family. But we're just bilingual, the others are foreign languages still...



Sounds like it! :D (Though instead of Mandarin in the list of languages, we've got Lithuanian for the second fluent language...)

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