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How much time to administer SAT/10?


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Hello Hive,


I'm considering the SAT/10 for my 5th grader and 2nd grader. The 2nd grader is not required to test but I figure he might as well get used to it since it's required. When my boys took the ITBS, they finished in my shorter time than allowed. I'm wondering how long it to your DC to take the SAT/10? My proctor is charging $25/kid each day. The cost of each test is $44. So for two days of testing, that is $180.


Capt Uhura

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I have no words of wisdom to offer but wanted to say I did not even know there was an SAT/10. Looks like I need to start a testing thread....

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Mine do the SAT 10. We just did it for two children with a private tester. She normally charges $100 for two half days of testing but we get a discount on that since we've been testing with her for 10 years. We also have to get the test sent to her from BJU and that is a separate charge paid to BJU.


The test is not timed so the children can finish as quickly as they want. Mine are older so we encourage them to re-check etc. When they were the age of the op's children, they finished up quickly and could take some nice breaks but we still scheduled 2 days so that it was not a long day. There are more oral components for youngers so there is more tester one-on-one for those years.

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Grades k-4th The testing was a lot shorter. I'd estimate we would have ended the test day after a couple of hours if we did have our older son testing too.

Grades 5-up: We have generally spent around 3 solid hours testing and this year (grades 7 & 8) we started at 9 and ended at 1:30 and the breaks were short (around 5 min).

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Our kids take the SAT-10 through an ISP. We had 3 days of testing for grades 4-8 (younger grades aren't required or offered through them), and 2 days of testing for high school.


Grades 4-8 started at 9am and went until around noon each day.


Day 1: Language (50), Reading comprehension (50), and Reading Vocabulary (30?)

Day 2: Math problem solving (50), Math procedures (50), and spelling (35) (but they finished MUCH quicker for spelling).

Day 3: Listening (35), Science (30), Social Science (30)


The test is untimed. The times were approximate, and since they were tested in a group, when the time was up most of them went on break. If someone was almost done, they could stay and finish, or they could stay afterwards. Most of them finished in the allotted time frame (or earlier).


I believe the cost was only $30 per child (including the test & proctoring), but it was more if you weren't part of the ISP and just wanted to be included in the testing. Maybe $50/child. I don't remember. The third day was much shorter (finished by 11:30am). They had a break between each test of 15-20 minutes. And the first day was longer because they had to fill in all of the information bubbles.

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