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I am new to CLE LA. My son has done one complete Light Unit and started on another one. I've read in several places that CLE LA is rigorous. So far it has seemed pretty easy and simple for my son mostly covering what he already knows. I did do a placement test and he made a few points higher for the cutoff for the previous grade so I placed him in the next grade.


Now, I don't plan on changing anything because my son LOVES it. If you consider it rigorous can you share why you believe it to be so?

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If the one lightunit he completed was the first in the series (401, 501, etc.), that is meant to be a review of what the previous year covered. The real 'learning' begins in the second lightunit. See what you think after he completes the second one!

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If the one lightunit he completed was the first in the series (401, 501, etc.), that is meant to be a review of what the previous year covered. The real 'learning' begins in the second lightunit. See what you think after he completes the second one!


Ah yes. It was the first one. We shall see how the next one goes :001_smile:

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