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Supplimenting question

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I've seen a lot of discussion referring to supplimenting one curriculum with another or with additional materials.


We don't suppliment at all. I have, in the past, as needed, if Ben was having difficulty catching on to something, we'd use addtional materials-like handwriting sheets or extra math problems or readers- for that specific topic. But for the most part, we just stick to the basics.


Are Singapore workbooks, ETC, not adequate all by themselves?


I feel like we already put in a lot of time into school. I can't imagine doing 2 or 3 curricula for each subject. We do core curricula everyday, and alternate additional subjects like history, science, religion, etc. We often don't get to the last subject of the day.


Am I a slacker? Maybe just because my kids are little and I'm very pregnant and tired?



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