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Sonlight Core "3" Adv. Readers v/s Reg. Readers


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Can someone please tell me how this works? My little is sort of a book worm. I only just realized that in Core "3" if you go with the adv. readers, you read both the regular and the advanced. How is this scheduled? I was hoping to reuse this core with my next little, but she might not be on the adv. level when we get to it. Will we be able to "easily" reuse the schedule with just the regular readers?


thanks so much

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I'm using Core 3 right now, we're only on week 2, but in my schedule (IG) there are separate lines for regular readers or advanced readers. The way I understand it, you pick which one you want to use and then just follow that row in the IG for the year. So if you say wanted to do ADV. readers this year you follow that row and ignore the Reg. readers row that year, then when you want to use the reg. readers next time through you use that row, and ignore the adv. readers.


From what I can tell the ADV. readers just increase the pace of the regular readers so that they can fit in some extra books that aren't in the regular reader schedule.



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You girls are awesome! So, how are you liking 3?


We like Core 3. The read alouds have been great! My son is always sad when I don't have time to read ahead, lol. I do add History Pockets in from time to time for extra hands on stuff. And I got the Hands n Hearts Colonial History kit this year...we made candles and such. And we visited Williamsburg recently. The kids have enjoyed this Core a lot.

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