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Has anyone successfully used CM based LA exclusively?


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If so, what did you use? I'm looking at FLL or PLL, and Sandi Queen. I haphazardly homeschooled my now 20 year old daughter and we never used any formal LA program and she's doing great in college. Do kids really need all that grammar and writing instruction if they are avid readers, have large vocabularies and are natural spellers?


I like CM because it seems like a natural and intuitive way to pick up language arts. R&S and Winston Grammar and IEW and the like just seem to complicate something that shouldn't be that difficult.


So, tell me your CM success stories or why I have no clue what I'm talking about :bigear:

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Sorry, I am only starting my homeschooling journey but you've done this before with a homeschooling graduate, so you seem to be successful with the method you've used!


This next school year I am trying to focus more on CM language arts style, because I didn't like the idea of doing "vocab" and "spelling" workbooks. After reading "Hearing and Reading, Telling and Writing" from SimplyCharlotteMason (which I just got in the mail yesterday YEY!, and I've had a hard time putting it down :), it has confirmed what I was thinking... that my DD just doesn't need this extra instruction. She already ask what such and such word means if she doesn't know and spells about 10x better than I do at my age! The new book outlines very clearly what Charlotte has outlined, using her own words as references. I think it will be a handy book to remind myself of why I am choosing this direction and reassurances into the fact that it will work.


I'm currently looking through various resources or might juts put together my own. But what is FLL and PLL?

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Sorry, I am only starting my homeschooling journey but you've done this before with a homeschooling graduate, so you seem to be successful with the method you've used!


This next school year I am trying to focus more on CM language arts style, because I didn't like the idea of doing "vocab" and "spelling" workbooks. After reading "Hearing and Reading, Telling and Writing" from SimplyCharlotteMason (which I just got in the mail yesterday YEY!, and I've had a hard time putting it down :), it has confirmed what I was thinking... that my DD just doesn't need this extra instruction. She already ask what such and such word means if she doesn't know and spells about 10x better than I do at my age! The new book outlines very clearly what Charlotte has outlined, using her own words as references. I think it will be a handy book to remind myself of why I am choosing this direction and reassurances into the fact that it will work.


I'm currently looking through various resources or might juts put together my own. But what is FLL and PLL?



FLL is First Language Lessons, PLL is Primary Language Lessons. We are in the process of finishing up what we have been using and making the transition more to the CM style of learning. The more I read about the simplicity of it and how it works, the more I realize that I think I am making it (school) harder (on me and my kids) than it has to be! I have already started using PLL with my dd8 and instead of crying or fussing when it is time for language, she is starting to enjoy it (and it doesn't take 1/2 the amount of time the other programs did that we were using). I'm slowly breaking the "traditional school" mold that for some reason had me held captive for so many years and we are beginning our own learning adventure using whatever works for us!

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FLL is First Language Lessons, PLL is Primary Language Lessons. We are in the process of finishing up what we have been using and making the transition more to the CM style of learning. The more I read about the simplicity of it and how it works, the more I realize that I think I am making it (school) harder (on me and my kids) than it has to be! I have already started using PLL with my dd8 and instead of crying or fussing when it is time for language, she is starting to enjoy it (and it doesn't take 1/2 the amount of time the other programs did that we were using). I'm slowly breaking the "traditional school" mold that for some reason had me held captive for so many years and we are beginning our own learning adventure using whatever works for us!


I agree, it seems like if we can integrate subjects we should do that to the best of our abilities to make it easier on everyone involved!


Thanks for letting me know the acronyms! PLL seems similar to Queen LA and I do like this simple format/lesson a day thing. I will have a hard time deciding on this now :) Since both seem really good!

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