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Is there an updated list anywhere of Classical-minded curriculum?

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I know the WTM has a list...but curriculum is always changing and being added. Also, I wonder how extensive the list is in the book, does it just include a few suggestions or did they look over all the curriculum available at that time and choose the ones best for the classical method?


I'm trying to come up with a plan B if we don't get into Classical Conversations, and I am finding myself back to the literal drawing board.


I think I'm pretty set still on CLE math and CLE language arts for my 7 and 9 yr old. I'm just not sure about my 12 yr old...I really want to make sure he's getting a really thorough education because he'll be in high school in a couple years and I want to make sure he'll be ready for college and not be too behind.


I don't even know what to do about science, social studies...etc.

They get art, music, and P.E. from their homeschool program. There are science classes too, but they aren't really tailored to cover all a child should learn in that grade, rather they are focused on certain aspects (like this year my 9 yr old is taking Zoology and my 12 yr old is taking a rocket science/robotics class).



So I guess I'm looking for some links with info on Classical-based curriculum?



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Not sure if this is answering your question at all, but these are places I like to visit for ideas/inspiration/resources:







This list does not include any of the PHP resources, but I figured that was a given on here.

There are more, but this is what came to mind first. I'll try to come back and post others as I think of them.

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