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If you own chickens, what kind?

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We have six:

one Plymouth barred rock, "Speckle"

one Ameraucana "Reese"

two golden laced wyandottes "the Twins" I think their actual names are Spot and Uni

one New Hampshire Red "Sunshine

one brown red Belgian d'Uccle "Frances"


Speckle is always coming into the house through the office door. Several times I've been working at my desk, turn around and find her standing behind me. Frances definitely has the most personality. She always flies out of the coop while the others stand around squawking to be let out. They all chase us around in the mornings until we give them scratch. And if they see me with strawberry hulls? I absolutely mobbed! The kids carry them around all the time. They are sweet!


We are keeping an eye out for a "hippie" chicken.

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