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Worksheets for prepositional phrases?


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I am using R&S grammar with my 3 dds. I am looking for an inexpensive workbook or worksheets for them to identify/eliminate prepostitional phrases. I would like to really cement that, so they can easily recognize them. I have looked at Easy Grammar, is that the best choice? Any other suggestions?


My daughters next year with be 3rd, 6th, and 8th. If Easy Grammar is the best choice, could I just get 1 level for all of them to use? I just want to pull out some sheets and have them identify them. I don't have time to type up my own.



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If you are confident with your grammar and have a printer/photocopier at your disposal, can I suggest a simple alternative?


Take a chunk (a page or two) of one of your dc's favorite books and copy it. (Or print part of a story from the web.) Have them cross out (or highlight -- kids love to play with highlighters!) all of the prepositional phrases on the page. If you highlight, you can talk about how much the phrases add to the story. If you cross out, you can talk about how much more boring the sentences are without them.


Thing 1 and I did this recently with sentence fragments. He likes The Magic Treehouse series, but the author drives me nuts with her endless sentence fragments. So I used our all-in-one printer to copy random pages. My son found all of the fragments and had a blast in the process. (I must admit that part of the thrill with that exercise was seeing that the author was doing something wrong!)


Then Things 2 and 3 appropriated the pages and colored the pictures on them. :D


Anyhow, it's homemade, but it's cheap, personal, and the options are endless. The only caveat is that you are confident in being able to identify all of the phrases yourself as well. (I know that some people have posted about their own grammar-related issues in the past!)


Good luck,


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