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s/o 5 years from now...

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That's a very good question...


I tried for my 5 year goals to be realistic and I have actually been pondering them for some time now.


For ME:


To be out of debt, I have a very solid plan... and it's actually doable for me... will be paying off bills for several months and then not allow myself to get into debt again. Pay as I go. The hard part is saying no to spending money and instead, pay off a bill.


I have discussed my desire to take a road trip/vacation to the Grand Canyon with dh. I will research. I will plan. And I will begin putting money aside as I can. I hope for it to be a reality in 2012... but, if not, 2013.


I will take a photography course at a community college and continue to study photography and as long as it stays in my heart, I hope to have a very part time business with it... if I don't love it, I wont do it... there are too many small photography businesses for me to even think about doing something unless it is out of pure enjoyment... photographers seem to be a dime a dozen.


My dh will be the one who takes part in 5 year goals of fixing things around the house... we'll have to time it to when we have extra funds... and it will fall on to him entirely. If he doesn't fund and do it... I wont sweat it.

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