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Recommendation for learning to keyboard?

Miss Tick

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Can you recommend a "keyboarding" program for K/1st graders?


I was planning to hold off on "keyboarding" for a couple of years, but now I'm reconsidering. I would like them to learn hand placement and better form so that they don't have to "unlearn" later.



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At this very moment, ds6 is happily "playing" on Read, Write and Type by talkingfingers.com. In two short months, he is doing awesome with finger placement and familiarity with the keyboard. I like RWT because it also reinforces phonemic awareness, spelling, dictation, even some sentence conventions. It doesn't do those decontextualized time letter drills which are so frustrating to the little guys.


I've also heard good things about Dance Mat Typing, and that's free.

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