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State History Help?


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I don't know what to do here for my 4th grader. I really just want a simple text book like I had in 5th grade. I am having a hard time finding something like that. I know I could use library books but I want something that is set up like a text book with just passages to read and review type questions. Do I need to spend an entire year on this? I was thinking of doing the first semester "American" history with her 8th grade sister. Then doing the 2nd 1/2 PA history. then doing the 2nd 1/2 of American History with her in 5th grade.


I don't think they do PA History until 5th grade but I would rather cover it this year while we are doing other American history type things and then later do geography, world history etc.

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There is State History from a Christian perspective. (you did say whether you prefer Christian or secular) At RR I saw that SOS has a course for each state. Also go to Currclick and do a search for state history. You might come up with a few options there. Have you checked to see what your locals schools use? Maybe you could find a used copy?

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