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Can you tell me about rosacea? kind of long

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I think this is what I may be dealing with.


Here are all of my factors that match up with what I've found on the net:


Family background: people with red hair, light colored eyes, and freckles; issues with seborrheic (sp?) dermatitis, tendency to have "high color" or redness to the skin.


Personal background: Tendency to blush/flush easily, seborrheic dermatitis in ears, tendency to dry itchy eyes- especially in winter, tendency to overheat quickly, sensitive to extremes of heat and cold.


Currently: pre-menopausal, dry skin, red bumps and rough skin over forehead from temple to temple and down onto bridge of nose, red bumps and dry skin in a line down each cheek to chin- about an inch from mouth, these develop a pinpoint head that oozes if I consume high fat dairy. (Sorry if this is TMI), skin becomes inflamed if I use a wash cloth on my face.


Does this sound like rosacea? If you have to deal with this, can you give me some tips for natural skin care and diet? The web mentions topical antibiotics, I really want to avoid that. I've decided dairy has got to be totally eliminated for now as it is an obvious trigger. Chocolate may be next:glare:. Giving up dairy is going to be a major restructuring of the way I eat.


So far I am using only baking soda and coconut oil on my face because neither one aggravates the condition. The coconut oil is soothing but I still have a flaky forehead by the end of the day. I really don't want to go to a doctor.


Thank you for any suggestions.

Edited by Onceuponatime
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I had rosacea brought on by products that I was using to control it. If I missed even one, it got worse. I went to an astetician and she put my on a simple regime that cleared it up, and my skin is no longer dry. Agera. I use the micellular cleanser and the anti oxidant moisturizing shield. I use these daily. For me, this got it under control. I still find that I often have to re apply moisturizer to my forehead on dry days.

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Guest momk2000

I would see a Dermatologist, just to be sure. I was dx'd with Rosacea last year, and also fall into many of the same categories you listed. I am fair skinned, have always blushed easily, am peri-menopausal. About 2 yrs ago I developed the red bumps over my nose, along my chin line, even some on my neck. They would improve and get worse, but never completely go away. I finally went to a derm. and was told Rosacea. I was given both oral and topical meds, which didn't really help much. If you are not allergic to fish, try fish oil. I started taking fish oil a few months ago, and within 3 weeks all of the red bumps on my face cleared up. It has also helped to make many of my perimenopausal symtoms more tolerable. Hope this helps. :)

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Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that causes redness and pimples on the chin, cheeks, forehead, and particularly the nose.

It can hurt, much the way burning, stinging, and sunburned skin does.

Anyone between the ages of 20 and 60 may develop this condition.


Peela here said this:

“All skin conditions (except an outright rash related to poison ivy sort of thing) originate from an internal condition, especially relating to the liver. The liver is our detoxifier, and if it struggles, toxins are expressed through the skin (that is a simplification, but generally true). In naturopathy, you go to the liver and help it along if you want to deal with skin issues.

Considering all the trans fats and chemicals in our modern diet, (and how they affect the liver) and the quality of many people's diets, I would say most skin conditions are definitely related to our modern day environmental and dietary conditions.”.






Dairy Products (some)

Deficiency in B Vitamins

Drugs that dilate the blood vessels (including some blood pressure meds)

Fair skin

Family history

Food Intolerances

Hormonal Imbalance

Hot baths and saunas

Hot foods and beverages

Lack of digestive enzymes

Low Stomach Acid (one of the main causes)

Parasites and Organisms

Poor Digestion


Sluggish Liver and Lymphatic Function

Spicy foods

Strenuous exercise

Stress (particularly anger or embarrassment)


Temperature extremes



Drink a cup of warm water with a squeeze of lemon first thing in the morning and last thing at night to alkalize your system


Blackberries, blueberries, and cherries are vascular constrictors that assist in reducing redness


Flavonoid-rich cranberries tonify blood vessels and help reduce the redness of rosacea – try to get organic, unsweetened cranberry juice


Cabbage, cauliflower, sprouted broccoli seeds, celery, kale, seaweed – rosacea is often a sign of liver toxicity – these foods are all helpful to the liver


Fiber, raw foods, and fresh vegetable juices to prevent constipation


Pineapple and papaya are a good source of food enzymes that aid digestion


Brown rice, lentils, beans, dates, wheat germ, beets, green veggies like spinach, almonds, and sunflower seeds are all sources of B vitamins – most with roscaea are deficient in B vitamins


Take 2 teaspoons of organic Apple Cider Vinegar before main meals to aid digestion – if you feel that this is needed

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Dairy products worsen the condition


Refined foods with artificial food coloring, preservatives, and MSG


White sugar, pastries, pies, cakes, sugary cookies


Aspartame and NutraSweet cause noticeable flushing in many people with rosacea


Margarine, shortening, fried foods, trans-fatty acids


If you show signs of rosacea, record what you’re eating and drinking to help identify your own triggers. Cheese, chocolate, citrus fruits and juices, nightshade family veggies (eggplant and tomatoes), and seafood (lobster and shrimp) worsen this condition in some people.

Get tested for food intolerances if still necessary.


SUPPLEMENTS - I get my supplements from vitacost.com or amazon - cheaper and great reviews


B Vitamins is particularly deficient in almost every case of rosacea, particularly riboflavin (B2) – take a B Complex


A good fish oil, such as Carlson’s


Milk Thistle helps liver function

• Helps detox the liver (even in cirrhosis and nonalcoholic liver disease)

• Encourages regular bowel movements

• Reduces toxic accumulation and protects liver cells from toxic chemicals and drugs

• Regenerates liver cells

• Enhances glutathione production in the body

• Calms inflammation and has anti-inflammatory effects

• Antioxidant effects

• Used to reverse liver damage from exposure to toxic chemicals

• Also used for heartburn, loss of appetite, and gallbladder complaints

• Used also for: hangover, diseases of the spleen, prostate cancer, malaria, depression, uterine complaints, increasing breast milk flow, and starting menstrual flow

• Helpful for rosacea

Take 250-300 mg up to 3 times daily or 750-900 mg per day

Milk thistle (silymarin) has long been used in liver disease and helps boost glutathione levels.

Hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids: Extracts from milk thistle PLANT might act like estrogen. If you have any condition that might be made worse by exposure to estrogen, don’t use these extracts. In contrast, the more commonly used milk thistle SEED extracts do not seem to act like estrogen.


Nettle Tea – drink this at room temperature – a good source of the B Vitamins


Herbal Tinctures of Red Clover and Astragalus can help. Make sure they are alcohol-free.


Burdock has traditionally been used for rosacea. It works on the liver, which is often sluggish.


Agnus Castus may help to regulate any underlying hormonal imbalance exacerbating the problem.


Research has linked rosacea to low stomach acid. For most people, hydrochloric acid (HCl) or stomach acid, which knocks out dangerous bacteria—but not friendly flora—appears to work as a natural antibiotic, without causing the unwanted side effects of these medicines—including drug-resistant “superbugs.”

Unless you have ulcers or have been diagnosed with a pre-ulcerative condition, you might want to test for HCl, the good stomach acid. Take 500 to 550 mg of betaine with HCL before your next few meals and carefully observe how you feel.

A burning belly or face probably means that you already have sufficient stomach acid—and may, instead, benefit from taking digestive enzymes with pancreatin with or at the end of your meals to support nutrient absorption.


Vitamin C and bioflavonoids are anti-inflammatory

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Use natural sun protection (with SPF of 15 or higher) that blocks UVA and UVB radiation.


Always allow hot beverages to cool at least to body temperature to avoid facial flushing


Above all, treat your skin very gently: Don’t rub or touch your face too often. Avoid facial products containing alcohol or other irritants. Use only those labeled non-comedogenic to prevent clogged pores.


The American Academy of Dermatology has found topical creams with green tea helpful for rosacea, and another study has shown that topical vitamin B3 (niacin) improves this condition. According to research at the University of British Columbia, a natural cream with azelaic acid is as effective as topical metronidazole in treating pimples—and slightly better at reducing redness without encouraging the growth of fungus or drug-resistant bacteria.


Go on a 24-hour detox and take the herb cleavers to help to get the lymph moving in order to carry the toxins more efficiently out of the body. Follow this with a couple of days of just broths, raw foods, and veggies juices.


Avoid facials with steaming. It sometimes makes things worse.


Take up yoga or meditation to aid relaxation and deal with stress.


Doctors often prescribe oral antibiotics (because they work faster than topical drugs) for their anti-inflammatory properties. Even so, you may need to take these meds for a month or so before you see results—and they can cause diarrhea and other digestive distress.

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Many people have badly congested lymphatics and don’t even know it.

Symptoms of congested lymphatics and blocked lymph nodes are many. Just some of them include:




Bacterial infections



Chronic Sinusitis

Ear or balance problems

Eczema and other skin conditions


Excessive sweating


Fibrocystic disease


Heart disease

High blood pressure


Loss of Energy

Low back pain


Multiple Sclerosis


Parasitic Infections (repetitive, possible sign of weak immunity)


Puffy eyes


Skin Problems

Sinus Congestion

Swollen Glands

Swollen Lymph Nodes

Viral infections

Weakened Immune System


The lymphatic system is often the most over-looked system of the human body. In Europe stimulation of the lymph flow is the fourth most commonly prescribed medical treatment. Most U. S. healthcare practitioners seldom consider the lymphatic system’s critical role in preventing illness or its importance to the over all healing process. Some of the organs that are part of the lymphatic system are lymph nodes and lymph veins, the tonsils, adenoids, appendix and the spleen.


Lymphasizing involves:

Dry Body brushing

Deep breathing

Rebounding/Bouncing on a trampoline (children love to bounce on beds!)


Swinging – as in sitting on a swing (again, think why children love swings. They know what's good for them!)


Lymphasizing cleanses you out.

The lymphatic system is the metabolic garbage can of the body. It rids you of toxins such as trapped protein, bacteria, viruses, dead and cancerous cells, nitrogenous wastes, fat, infectious viruses, heavy metals, and other assorted junk cast off by the cells.

Lymphasizing stimulates the free-flowing lymphatic drainage system. The lymph carries the waste away to be disposed of through the urinary tract and other excretory mechanisms.

Since the lymphatic system has no “heart” (as does the blood system), regular movement is necessary for it to properly circulate its lymph and to clear in the waste products from around the cells. When the lymphatic system is not stimulated through exercise and any of the above, this leads to a sluggish lymphatic system response and a markedly decreased ability to purify the body.

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Helps to expel toxins from the body’s largest eliminatory organ, the skin

Improves lymph flow to carry toxins and waste products out of the body

Stimulates circulation

Stimulates blood flow to increase nutrient delivery to cells

Helps combat cellulite and fatty deposits

Removes dry, dead skin cells

Encourages cells to regenerate

Results in smooth glowing skin

Stimulates production of sebum (oil), to nourish dry skin

Increases energy and stimulates the body – I LOVE doing this first thing in the morning either before showering OR before exercising, whichever comes first

Feels great!


The lymph-rich areas you want to stimulate include the arms, armpits, chest, face, neck, behind the knees, and towards the groin.

Always brush towards the heart.

Use circular or long sweeping motions – whatever feels right to you.

Start with the soles of your feet and work your way up.

Overall it should take between 3-7 minutes to brush the entire body.

It is suggested to brush either before a workout or before a shower – whichever comes first.



Contrary to blood which is pumped by the heart, the lymph is totally dependent on physical exercise to move. Without adequate lymph movement, toxins and wastes build up in the body. The cells are left stewing in their own waste products and starving for nutrients, a situation which contributes to so many of the symptoms listed above.

The best exercise for lymph circulation is the gentle bouncing action in rebounding, which turns on your “internal vacuum cleaner.”

To help purify your lymph it helps to bounce on a minitrampoline or rebounder for at least 5 minutes a day – working up to 20 - to gently ease waste materials and fat out of your lymph

Rebounding is reported to increase lymph flow by 15 to 30 times.

Your cells get the exercise they so desperately need, with no harsh shock to your ankles, knees, spine, or to the ligaments that support your internal organs. You can bounce gently, which moves your lymph fluid around, but doesn't make you huff and puff; or you can get your heart pumping if that's your preference, but you'll do so using the physics of low force. Translation: You're not likely to sustain injury as can occur with high-force activities like running.

In addition to its ability to work out your cardio-pulmonary system, rebounding tones your legs, thighs, abdomen, and hips, increases your agility, circulates more oxygen to your tissues, reduces fatigue, stress, and menstrual discomfort, tones up the glandular system, stimulates metabolism, aids digestion, and improves your sense of balance.



Breathe like a baby. Babies don’t breathe through their mouths unless they are stressed. Nose breathing produces a full, deep breath that helps calm you.

Breathing deep into your belly will:

Lie down on floor w/book on your belly. Inhale through your nose, feel the book rise, and hold for 4 seconds. Exhale all the air out through your mouth, letting the book lower.



Massage is one of the most important and effective ways of increasing lymphatic circulation.

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Wow, Negin (and Peela, via Negin!) have you covered! I'll just add a couple of things based on my own experience.


First, everyone has their own triggers. A few of mine are on Negin's list. Someone else has a few others. Each person with rosacea could pick three or four things off that list as main flare up triggers. The key is for you to learn your own triggers. Mine are stress, hormonal changes, sudden changes in temperature (opening a hot oven, too long over a hot stove) and sometimes skin care products.


Fish oil supplements are very helpful.


Finding the right skincare and cosmetic products is crucial. I can only use Mary Kay timewise products (and others with rosacea can't touch the stuff, I'd guess). Powdered mineral foundation saved my face. I can wear a few other types now that I haven't had a bad flare in years, but I go back to it most of the time.


I have read that some consider rosacea an allergic reaction to topical oils. So while that coconut oil may feel soothing, it may also be contributing to the problem. I can use coconut oil anywhere on my body, neck and décolleté, but only once in a blue moon on my face.


I would go to see a dermatologist, but personally I refuse to take anymore tetracycline drugs orally, and that's what a lot of docs seem to want to give you, aside from a topical like metrogel. If my major flares were to renew, I think I'd find a good natural skincare person (aesthetician?) as another poster has already suggested.

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I have Rosacea, but mine is under control. My doctor started me with a topical and I became very good about watching what I put on my face. I wash with a mild face wash and use a mild lotion with sunscreen. I only needed to use the topical for a few months. I now only have the acne when I am under a lot stress.


edited to add: Bare Minerals is a lifesaver. Worth the money for me.

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