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The book Crispin?

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I don't have time to read it and I just handed it to my dd. :001_huh: Any concerns in the book I should be aware of? Any great questions I can ask her? Any good discussions this book will open up? That's right, this week you are enabling me to be pseudo-smart. :tongue_smilie::D

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I read this book aloud to my 3rd and 5th grade ds when we were studying the Middle Ages. It was a perfect read aloud for that time period. All of us absolutely LOVED this book. It is one of our favorites!


The book takes place in 14th century England, a dark, dangerous time. Readers become intimately acquainted with the culture and people of Medieval England: serfs, pesants, priests, Lords, Stewards, and even Jesters. Crispin is a lowly peasant who's mother dies at the opening of the story. He was accused of stealing and was therefore declared a wolf's head, which permits anyone to lawfully kill him for his supposed crimes. Crispin flees from his village to save his own life and while he is on the run, he encounters many things: trials and triumphs, hardships and sweet life lessons.


Note: There is some violence in the story, but nothing gruesome. If you have a child who is sensitive, then this book might not be a good idea.


There are threads of Christianity woven into the story, but they are also colored by the superstition that existed during that time. IMO, this doesn't distort Christianity, but just brings to light how people believed during those times.


It is a beautifully written story that will provide much insight to the Middle ages.


Here is a link that will give you more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crispin:_The_Cross_of_Lead

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Wikipedia is the cheating momma's new best friend.

...off to place the sequels on hold at the library.





Somewhere I read that SWB recommends Wikipedia for book summaries. I turn to it often when I'm looking for good info on the meat of a novel.


I hope you enjoy this series as much as we did. It's a page turner! Emotional, lots of action, and wonderful historical fiction.

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