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Would you describe your DH's relationship with his mother

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He loves her, but I wouldn't say they are close.


MIL is wonderful, a very loving person, but she was gravely ill when dh was a teenager and she never completely recovered mentally and physically. It was a miracle (literally) that she survived.


He's very protective of her but he can't really talk to her as an equal, and it's awkward when she stays with us because he doesn't really know how much he can expect of her. Unconsciously he wants her to be like other women her age. I think I deal with her the best because I have no ideal of what she should be...I just see her as the loving and somewhat broken woman she is.


Despite this I know he loves her very much and he tries to be realistic and give her the affection that she needs.

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Neither. DH never calls his mother. She calls a couple of times a year when she wants something.


The last time we saw her was in 2009 when she asked for money on the pretense of coming for a visit. She made a token visit before heading off the spend time with her daughter.

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