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Weight Watcher Online

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can anyone tell me about this program? I'm thinking of it for my 23 year old daughter who has some learning disabilities and devleopmental delays. Is it hard to follow? Is the food regular food? It seems kind of pricey, $40 a month and I just wonder what you get for that money?

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I've often wondered about WW Online also. $40 a month!!! That's crazy :huh:. No way, will I spend that unless if I'm getting something truly incredible.

Sorry I have no experience with them. Maybe someone else here can post as to what exactly one gets for $40 ...

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The Weight Watchers online is $17.95 for the month. The plan with the meetings is the one that costs $40 a month. With the meeting plan that covers the meetings and the online tools. If you sign up for just WW online you get access to the online tools but no meetings. As far as food goes, you eat whatever you want. When you sign up you will then find what your daily points are by answering some questions. You then can use the tools to see what the points are for every food that you want to eat as well as points for exercise too. Hope this helps.



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It is only $18 a month for online only. The higher amount is for meetings and online.


It isn't overly hard. They have a 1 week free trial you can try to see if it will work. There is a lot you can do there. If you don't like it you can cancel and it doesn't cost anything! :)


I use it for the recipe maker, point tracker and weight tracker. I don't participate in the forums or anything there.

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