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Musician Roll Call

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I saw this post the other day, but didn't have time to respond.


I have a degree in music education. I taught elementary band and vocal/general music before three kids came along. Now I teach private lessons, but never more than ten students. I currently have nine students, counting my girlie. I had a few students when my kids were very little and had a babysitter when I could arrange one. I've been blessed with very understanding families. Some are friends from church and even help out with the kids.


I play at church and in a wind ensemble. I feel soooo blessed to be able to play in a wind ensemble(band) that plays challenging music!


There is so much I would love to do related to music education... There's been a tugging on my heart to start a children's choir at our church (there hasn't been one in years). I'd also like to start a homeschool band, but I'm not sure there's much interest here.


I had intentions of getting a masters, but that won't be happening unless I move next door to a university with a great program, money falls from the sky, and I find extra hours in my day! I'd love to persue a masters in flute or woodwind pedagogy, or elmentary music curriculum specializing in Orff or Kodaly.


It's been fun reading all of your posts!

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I saw this post the other day, but didn't have time to respond.


I have a degree in music education. I taught elementary band and vocal/general music before three kids came along. Now I teach private lessons, but never more than ten students. I currently have nine students, counting my girlie. I had a few students when my kids were very little and had a babysitter when I could arrange one. I've been blessed with very understanding families. Some are friends from church and even help out with the kids.


I play at church and in a wind ensemble. I feel soooo blessed to be able to play in a wind ensemble(band) that plays challenging music!


There is so much I would love to do related to music education... There's been a tugging on my heart to start a children's choir at our church (there hasn't been one in years). I'd also like to start a homeschool band, but I'm not sure there's much interest here.


I had intentions of getting a masters, but that won't be happening unless I move next door to a university with a great program, money falls from the sky, and I find extra hours in my day! I'd love to persue a masters in flute or woodwind pedagogy, or elmentary music curriculum specializing in Orff or Kodaly.


It's been fun reading all of your posts!

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Hi, y'all,

I am so excited to know there are so many music talents on this forum.


This is Shu-Yi--cellocoffee.

I started cello when I was 10, got a doctoral degree in cello performance.

I am originally from Taiwan. I maintain a cello studio at home and homeschool two DD. This is my 3rd year of homeschooling.


Nice meeting you!

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Started as a music ed major and switched to violin performance because they required even strings to do all the wind pedagogy and classes. Went on to Masters in violin and then 2 years of Suzuki violin teacher training as well. Right now, I teach, play in a quartet and in some semi-professional orchestras around town. Taking a few lessons now and again with an old professor of mine while his mind is still clear as it's slowly going :(

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