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Question for a friend - pregnancy related

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My good friend is having some tummy troubles with this pregnancy. She is about 20 weeks and says no matter what she eats she feels sick. Not sick like morning sickness, but sick like she ate too many candy bars. Her words are:


"you know how you feel after you eat too much sugar?

like your mouth is starchy and you feel ill.... like I am never eating again - it's like that"


She says it happens no matter what she eats. Suggestions? Ideas why this may be happening to her?


She says it is not bloating, gas, heartburn, feeling overfull, or anything like that.

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I had similiar symptoms during my last pregnancy (my fifth), and all my tests were normal as well. I felt sick to my stomach all the time, it was much worse than nausea, similiar to what you described, and it lasted 24 hours a day. My doctor didn't want to give me medication for nausea, he kept saying we should give it one more week and see if it was gone. For some reason, drinking milk helped a little, and of course I drank tons of water. Also, TUMS seemed to help me a little. It finally subsided around week 25, and the rest of my pregnancy was normal, so hopefully this will just resolve itself for your friend as well.

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Yeh, it sounds similar to how I feel when I need to eat, or after I've eaten junk when I needed to eat real food. Sour candy or a breathsavers mint (spearmint) help me to feel better at least temporarily. But I have blood sugar problems and it can drop suddenly with me, leaving me quite ill. How has her blood pressure been? Is she anemic? Maybe TMI to ask, but does she find herself need to visit the bathroom during/after an episode of feeling this way?

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