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OK, Hive Mind, HELP...

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I am new to WTM. After reading 'about' it I decided the school system was not the place for my my bright book worm in 7th grade.


In a effort to stop the damage to her sensitive mind I removed her from school a month ago to home school.


right now I am getting ramped up on the book and our plan. I just found out from a LEAH group that you will be here soon in Rochester. I sooooo wish I could make it.


money is very tight since DH just retired 2 months ago from the miliary and I'm trying to find the most cost effective way to purchase supplies to start teaching. Are you making anyother stops in upstate NY?

We are in Watertown/ Ft Drum.


I talked to a few home school moms here and they said the leah convention is the highlight of the year and they were all so excited to hear your talk.


Is there any pain when you talk? If there is pain I've found gargling with a pinch of cayne pepper and honey in water every 20 mins will do the trick.


Otherwise I find kefir cures most things for me and the kids. DH wont drink it though but I think he might since me and the kids have been soooo healthy since we started making it.



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