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Some more specific ToG questions / ...from a SL-user


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The earlier ToG-post got me intrigued... And I can't get rid of it:tongue_smilie:


We have been using SL for the last couple of years (own all Cores A-7). We are currently doing Cores 1 / 3 / 6:001_huh:...


I love reading to the kids, and I enjoy ("real") books playing a great part in our schooling.


The issues I have with SL are the following:

- The Readers are just not enough, particularly for ds. He could read much more than what SL is offering him. Given that we do not live in the US, hitting the closest library is not an option, I need to be organized enough to have everything on my shelf...

- I regret not having any worksheets/tests. As much as I appreciate the "real life approach" of reading along, I would appreciate having a means to follow-up in a more academic way...

- I do not mind spending time on planning for school, but I do need the kids to work more independently on a daily basis than they do now...


Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this!!

Edited by sahm99
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- The Readers are just not enough, particularly for ds. He could read much more than what SL is offering him. Given that we do not live in the US, hitting the closest library is not an option, I need to be organized enough to have everything on my shelf...



The nice thing about SL is that their readers have a well thought out progression of easier to harder books throughout the year. TOG does not have that. I actually use the SL reader schedule with my boys to help them gain fluency.

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The issues I have with SL are the following:

- The Readers are just not enough, particularly for ds. He could read much more than what SL is offering him. Given that we do not live in the US, hitting the closest library is not an option, I need to be organized enough to have everything on my shelf...


I am adding in some SL books in with our TOG b/c my ds devours books. Part of the appeal of TOG is that it is flexible in that way. I can give him a book and can read the whole thing in one day. I'm not tied to SL's boxes. We do utilize the library quite a bit for extra reading. Your options may be a different and much more expensive living overseas. TOG is expensive if you want to have it all sitting on your shelf. But given that you will likely reuse the books with younger kids, it might be a worthwhile investment to you.

- I regret not having any worksheets/tests. As much as I appreciate the "real life approach" of reading along, I would appreciate having a means to follow-up in a more academic way...


The discussion questions in the D and R levels are there for you to have that.

I do not mind spending time on planning for school, but I do need the kids to work more independently on a daily basis than they do now...


TOG is not meant for you to read all of it to them like SL is. Although I gave a lot of the SL books to my ds to read on his own b/c he wanted to (Saved me some time there). Tina may be able to speak more to this aspect of TOG since she has a broad spectrum of kids using it.


What specific questions did you have exactly?

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