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Not feeling very good about myself...

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eating carbs and sugar make you crave carbs and sugar. Carbs are addictive! They really are! Can I recommend a fast from them for a month or two, so that you can get the cravings out of your system?


I started the Candida diet in January. I dropped weight too quickly IMO, but it's surprising because I'm definitely more satisfied and have lost ALL cravings on this diet. My family is eating carbs around me daily and I just don't miss them. I feel SO MUCH BETTER. I'm not going to be carb free for the rest of my life but I do plan to limit carbs to one meal per day. For me, I know that eating carbs bloats me, makes me crave more, and I really feel better on a lower carb diet.


Along with feeling better due to diet changes, I want to exercise! These 20 pounds I lost have my legs so wobbly! I'm dying to get out and power walk but I need to wait for the ice on the road to leave (by the end of the week!) I started to work out inside the house with my girls and we LOVED it, but then we got sick. Dd11 and I still aren't recovered so we still wait. But with eating BETTER and feeling BETTER, you'll just be more motivated to want to exercise.


For me, WW would never work. I just can't follow a plan like that. I'm eating what I want as long as it's low/no carb and I have to stay off of dairy for the Candida diet. In the beginning I had more fatty foods so the fats would carry me through the day. When I was eating low fat w/carbs, my blood sugars weren't controlled and I had to eat every few hours. Even with frequent meals/snacks I never felt great. With the higher fat diet and no/low carb, my blood sugars have completely stabilized (I'm hypoglycemic but my symptoms are severe) and I just feel so good.


What you have to decide is what you want your diet to look like for the rest of your life. From there, you need to make a lifestyle change. Diets simply DON'T WORK. So what I've decided for myself is that I will have a carb (likely a huge piece of sourdough bread for the first several weeks, along with butter or dipping sauce! Mmmmmmmm!) with lunch OR dinner (I recently was sick and had oatmeal for breakfast and it had me feeling tired and unsatisfied until I ate a no carb lunch!) and I will allow a dessert on special occasions, sometimes with a nice Sunday meal, or allow munchies on a movie day. BUT, I won't let those get out of control. I feel that this is something I can happily live by for the rest of my life.


And, when you change how you eat, you find new favorites. Right now I can't WAIT to have dairy back in my diet. I have such a craving for veggies with blue cheese dressing. Mmmmmmmmmmmm!



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