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Can I start TOG at any cycle??


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I'm still on the hunt for curriculum next year to coincide with cycle 3 of CC and noticed that if I started with TOG in book 1 we would be in the ancients. I would need to start in 3 or 4 with TOG. Is this a problem?


Yes you can start anywhere. Just realize that the literature changes as the program goes. In year 1 LG has very little assigned and what is there is very simple picture books and UG is all picture texts, D is chapter books. By year 4 LG is picture books, UG is simple chapter books D is muli-week chapter books (because they are thick). My point is the choices kinda grow up with the child, so if you have a child that is boarderline in which level they would fit, go with the easier level, then when you wrap around to year 1 they would easily fit the next level up.


Make sense?



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Yes you can start anywhere. Just realize that the literature changes as the program goes. In year 1 LG has very little assigned and what is there is very simple picture books and UG is all picture texts, D is chapter books. By year 4 LG is picture books, UG is simple chapter books D is muli-week chapter books (because they are thick). My point is the choices kinda grow up with the child, so if you have a child that is boarderline in which level they would fit, go with the easier level, then when you wrap around to year 1 they would easily fit the next level up.


Maybe this has changed in the redesigned because there are several chapter books/novels in Year 1 UG now. We won't be using TOG until next year, but I am already planning it out. I will have a ds using the UG material and I've purchased several of the books already. I've also looked at the current book selections for all four years, and it looks pretty even-handed across all four years in each level.

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I agree with Siloam, and I use Redesigned. :iagree:


One thing I have also noticed is that TOG lays a foundation in Unit 1 of every year plan that is built upon during that particular year. This can be as simple as setting up notebooks at the beginning of the year, but it also carries over to the writing assignments and like Siloam suggested, there is even a progression in the reading levels. I always suggest to people exploring TOG to be sure to start at the beginning of whatever year plan you start with for this reason. Choose the year you want to study, but start with Unit 1 and you will appreciate the difference if you are a brand new TOG user trying to understand how it all works.




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OK, I think I was misreading what Siloam was saying. Within each year, there is progression. UG Unit 1 starts at a lower level than UG Unit 4. I was reading it as Year 1 UG in general was an easier level than Year 4 UG and so on. Even if she was saying that.....listen to them. They know and I'm just a newbie too :001_smile:


Ok, now :iagree:

Edited by mandymom
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