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Energetix Rehydration

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Yes! I've used it before (I'm out and haven't had the extra $ to get more). Love it!!!


We've also used it for clients who have had swelling and/or a bit more amniotic fluid (which we can tell via palpation). Rehydration really helps get the fluids moving to reduce swelling and cause the amniotic fluid levels to feel normal.


I've used other Energetix products and have been very pleased. I use Thyropath for my thyroid nodules. In fact, it's helped so much that I can't recall the last time I took it. My thyroid has been normal for quite a while now. If I ever feel swelling or the run-down feeling I get when things are out of balance, I take it.


Another favorite of mine is Core Valerian. Great stuff if you have trouble sleeping b/c your mind is noisy. I don't really care for tea so the tincture is a great option for me.


As far as the ingredients go, you'll have to talk to your naturopath.

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Guest SueLin



My chiropractor recommended this product to me several year ago. I've used it sporatically. But as I've aged, I notice the skin on my arms sometimes looking like a very old lady's skin -baggy and wrinkled. Very old lady look - and I'm just a young thing, you know - only 66.


When I use the rehydration, my skin on my arms ceases to look like I'm 80. It is quite amazing.


If it is doing that for my skin, it must be doing great things for my internal organs!


Hope that is helpful.



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