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Grammar question--should we cover unfamiliar incorrect usage?

Kay in Cal

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We're using GWG3 this year, and really loving it. I recently got my copy of GWG4 for next year, and in paging through found that there are a few lessons dealing with certain words being confused. They all seem to be some sort of regional incorrect usage--confusing raise and rise ("The boy raised from his bed."), let and leave ("Leave me come with you!"), lend and borrow ("Will you borrow me your pencil?"), teach and learn ("I learned my dog how to roll over."). I'm fairly certain that I've never heard anyone use any of these words this way in real life (as opposed to on the stage, screen or in a book), and that my son has no idea they can be misused in this way. So skip them, right? Or is there value in realizing that others might misuse them, or talking about regional dialects?


Like I said, we've really been impressed with GWG thus far, and the inclusion of this section seems sort of strange and arbitrary. Is this an ordinary section to have in a grammar book?

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The Abeka grammar books have a similar usage section each year. I had intended to skip it until I realized that my in-laws used some of the examples. We don't dwell on it but I do want my kids to understand it isn't simply a regionalism. It's an incorrect regionalism that they shouldn't pick up.


If you are truly certain your kids have not heard the misused expressions and aren't likely to during the elementary years, I'd say skip it.

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