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Plaid Dad, or any other classical, Catholic homeschooler...

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I happen to come across how you went with Kolbe. I'm curious as to why you chose Kolbe over Angelicum Academy. I'm making that decision right now for first grade and I have been searching for others who have gone the Catholic, classical way...especially those who have experience with Angelicum.


Any thoughts are appreciated!



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I used Kolbe this year basically for record-keeping. It was the first year I needed to report to my school district and I wanted my, er, back covered. I went with Kolbe because they allow you to substitute curriculum at will. In other words, I was able to do my LCC program under their auspices with no trouble. (Their program is already the closest to LCC-style that I've found.) I now have a better handle on record-keeping, so I won't be re-enrolling my dd next year. But I have recommended Kolbe to other LCC families or those who just want an efficient and flexible homeschool academy.


I don't have any experience at all with Angelicum, so I can't speak to how their program compares. Sorry!

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