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Writing Program 7th Grade??

Princess Peach

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I am trying to figure out what to get my DS for next year and my head is spinning with all the options out there.


He is pretty weak in writing. He has a great imagination and can get everything out on paper, but mechanically, it's :ack2:. He also hates writing and fights me every step of the way. He hates to proofread and gets upset if I try to correct his writing.


Therefore, I would like something that is easy to teach and grade. It needs to be basic and step by step.


Jump In (Apologia) looked good, but I'm not sure it's enough. BJU distance learning writing & grammar looks appealing because he would have an outside teacher. Other options??



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My son is 6th grade and we have just formally introduced writing this year. We purchased Jump In! and I highly recommend it! I do not know why it's not mentioned more on this board. It is a great step by step approach. It guides the child along the way while asking thought provoking questions to make them think about what they are trying to say. My son just turned in his first 'decent' five paragraph essay yesterday. I just can't tell you what a relief it was to hold that paper in my hand! :) He is starting to understand how to organize his thoughts and incorporate them in the different essay styles. I can see such an improvement for him. And, he seems to actually be enjoying it!


I think it would be a good idea to look over the book if you can. It's been such a great help for my son. :)


Best of luck!

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