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Recommendations for beginning piano lessons

Robin M

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We've acquired a yamaha keyboard and I'm in the process of checking out beginning music lessons. I took lessons way back when so will learning right along with james. Any recommendations for a good book or music program to start with. Not interested in going with piano teacher right now until I know James is actually interested and not just something else to do.

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Piano Adventures and Alfred's Premier Piano Course both are simple, direct and have Audio CD's to aid in listening to and playing along with music. These are what I use when I give lessons. For the VERY young I begin with Music for little Mozarts (and Alfred's Publication) and for children your sons age the previously two mentioned. I'm not one who's good a choosing between things, I own both and like them equally. Hope that helps.

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I like the Fabers, too. They (Piano Adventures) focus on technique and artistry. I also like Bastien. Having a variety of music books is good. It not only provides variety for the student, but the different books emphasize different things and the variety will make the student more well-rounded.

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