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Grammar (the early years)


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I've been thinking a lot about teaching grammar during the early years(maybe below 4th grade). It seems that teaching nouns, adj. and such makes sense. Teaching proper punctuation also makes sense. Some of the new things we are learning(Rod&Staff 3) are getting more complex. I can see it going over my dc's heads. They latched onto nouns and such quickly...it's the more advanced stuff that is making me consider waiting.


Do some of you wait until older grades/ages to teach grammar?

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I'm going to wait on formal grammar until ~7th (if it's needed after KISS and Latin). We are doing KISS Grammar, which is all about application & identifying words in the sentence. I'm still in the beginning levels, but my most concrete child understands it. I don't think he could do the more abstract concepts.


CM waited on grammar, Ambleside uses Our Mother Tongue over 3 years (7th to 9th I believe). I still think massive amounts of (good) reading will teach proper usage, which to me is more important than diagramming sentences.



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