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Ambleside Online and learning disabilites/challenges


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I don't know what your boys' challenges are but all of my children have dyslexia and we have always done AO. I think it works well for children's particular challenges as I usually read the books to them until they get to the point where they can venture out on their own. CM does not advocate written narrations until Gr. 5 so that gives us time to work on handwriting while they give narrations orally. So for us, AO works very well.

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Thank you so much for your input! Ds#1 has down syndrome and ds#2 has high-functioning autism.


The more I research AO and read through CM, the more that AO appeals to me and I just "feel" it would work well with the boys and eventually 2yo dd. I'm just hoping to get some insight from those that have tried it and/or are doing it before embarking down a new road. :)


Thanks again!

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I just recently read a post on the Ambleside Online yahoo group where a mom just graduated two children who had learning disabilities from Ambleside Online. I have to find the post in the archives and pm you if you want.


Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





That would be fantastic, thank you!

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