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Quiet time saved our sanity

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I just want to pass along an activity that really helped keep the peace in our house for everyone. I began to notice that my two girls really needed some time apart from each other. They were fighting for their individuality. I watched a video of SWB explaining quiet time in her home. OMG what a life saver!! I explained to the girls our new routine, after lunch and playtime we have quiet time. Every day the girls go to their room and read, draw, listen to story tapes, play, etc. for one hour. They are not to leave their room, talk to each other or me. It took about a week or so to really stick and now they request the time. A motivator for this is they also take turns having our cat in their room alone :) I had given up quiet time after the girls stopped napping...about six years ago. This activity has saved our sanity, everyone is happier feeling refreshed to have time to themselves. Once again, thank you Susan!

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Hmmm... Dd was just saying she wished she could get time to herself! We've been using the toddler naps to sneak in schoolwork and games, but it could be a quiet/personal time I suppose. Or she could just get her work done faster, lol. Anyways, good thought and glad it's working for you! I remember SWB talking about that, especially the part about how her mom sat there holding her head, groaning, and plowing through a bag of chocolate chips. If JW can have a constant sense of failure and worry and still have it turn out well, then we can too. :)

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