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Looking for Jr High OT Bible Study

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My pastor's wife just called looking for a program to teach our Jr High kids. She has had no luck with traditional church resource suppliers, and is hoping that the homeschool market has something to offer.


She is looking for something that will help them to walk throught the OT, but she wants them to see that the God that they see in the OT is still relevant to their lives today. She is also looking for an element of fun/activity as well.


Is there anything that comes even close? I have sent her links to the Apologia worldview curr, AIG, Explorer Bible Study, Balancing the Sword, and Beechick's Finding Our Roots.


Have I missed anything? She knows that she will probably have to pull from several resources to find what she is looking for, so any suggestions that come close would be helpful.



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MFW Creation to the Greeks http://www.mfwbooks.com/ctg.htm


She could get it for just the Bible portion. She would need the TM, Student Sheets, and Victor Journey Through the Bible, and I would also recommend Streams for additional commentary and details (it's not the whole book... only certain passages are assigned), and Celebrating Biblical Feasts for an occasional special treat. I also recommend the read-aloud Dinosaurs of Eden, as it's (obviously) very relevant to the topic of Creation.


They say 1 copy per student on the Student Sheets. I don't know how many students she has, but maybe she could call the office to talk to them about that. Maybe they could work something out on that.

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I really like Postive Action for Christ curriculum. Here is a jr. high one that is a bible survey through the entire 66 books (from creation to the cross). It's called Route 66: http://www.positiveaction.org/pages/htmlos/002735.1.2640822879217886231


:iagree: Positive Action Bible Studies are excellent!


She might also consider BJU Bible Truths B (for 8th grade). These sample pages will give her a really good idea of the material covered and it's definitely relevant to today.



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