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Using DITHOR with history, etc.


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We are doing the middle ages to early rennaissance (basically SOTW 2) in history this fall. I would like to try and combine Reading and History using DITHOR -putting in book choices for my son to read or as the book I read aloud.


I am looking for books in the 4-6 reading level for that period that fall into the various genres:



Historical Fiction



Realistic Fiction



Folk Tale


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This is exactly what we will be doing next year. My boys will be 10 and almost 12. I don't yet have all of my choices narrowed down but I am using Veritas Press history and will be using some of their historical literature suggestions. Here are some of the books I am thinking about.


Biography: The Bard of Avon, John Calvin, Trial and Triumph, Along Came Galileo

Adventure: Adventures of Robin Hood

Fantasy: The Hobbit

Folk Tales: parts of Myths and Legends of the Middle Ages, D'Aulaire's Norse Myths

Nonfiction: Our Island Story

Historical Fiction: Adam of the Road, Rolf and the Viking Bow


You could look at the book lists of various curriculum like Winter Promises, TOG, MFW, Veritas etc to see what they have listed and then separate the books into different genre.

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  • 9 months later...

Since someone actually pm'd me about this thread, I thought I would bump it up with what we ended up using:


Bios: Leif the Lucky, Eric the Red, Columbus, Joan of Arc, William the Conqueror, St. Patrick, Francis of Assisi, Apple and the Arrow ( so many good choices)

Adventure: Viking Adventure, Sword in the Tree, Minstrel in the Tower, Robin Hood, Marco Polo: His Notebook, Crispin; Tolkien books

Historical Fiction: Door in the Wall, Men of Iron, Trumpeter of Krakow, Spy for the Night Riders, Queen's Smuggler,

Fantasy: Many good books by Avi; Deltora Quest; Tolkien books

Mystery: Shadow Spinner, Mystery of the Crystal Castle (modern), Mystery at Dracula's Castle (modern)

Folk Tale: Khan's Daughter, St. George and the Dragon, Beowulf, Chanticleer and the Fox, Pretzel Hero

Non-fiction: Castle Diary, various books on castles and knights and samurai

Humor: Half Magic, Whipping Boy, How to Train a Dragon*

Realistic Fiction: nothing historical here lol


(How to Train Your Dragon is not too historical but it is extremely hilarious -even my "hates to read" daughter read the entire series. If you don't chose it as a reader -the audio book is awesome and a movie is coming out next year)

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and while I am at it....


Here are ones that I have listed for next year when we do Ambleside Year 4 (they are in two groups -first set under each is historical and second set is Christian Fiction as I am homeschooling my DD next year and she demands a wide variety to choose from lol)


This list of course was made with what is available at my library and what is my kids reading levels. Some others are on my read aloud and audio lists. There are a lot of other good books at bookintime and sonlight, etc



Childhood Series-Abigail Adams, George Washington, Betsy Ross, etc.

Columbus –D’Aulaire


Miles Standish: Plymouth Colony Leader

Amos Fortune, Free Man-Yates

Benjamin Franklin-D’Aulaire

The Revolutionary John Adams-Harness

Daniel Boone-Daughtery

George Washinton-D’Aulaire

Traitor: Case of Benedict Arnold-Fritz

Why Not Lafayette-Fritz

Carry on Mr.Bowditch

Historical Fiction

My America Series

Dear America Series

American Adventure Series

Madelaine Takes Command (Living History Library)

Siege!: The Story of St. Augustine in 1702-Hays

Printer’s Apprentice-Krensky

Calico Captive -Speare

Meet Kaya (American girl)

Meet Felicity (American Girl)

Early Thunder –Fritz

Matchlock Gun

Johnny Tremain

Sign of the Beaver

Skippack School

Elsie Dinsmore series (and offshoots –Millie, Violet, Kathleen etc)


Miracle: The True Story of the Wreck of the Sea Venture-Karwaski

Landing of the Pilgrims-Daughtery (Landmark book)

George vs. George: The Revolutionary War as Seen by Both Sides-Schanzer

Why Don’t You Get a Horse Sam Adams-Fritz

A More Perfect Union-Maestro

Pirate Diary

Any of the Fritz books


Mayflower Secret –Jackson (Trailblazer)

Hostage on the Nighthawk: William Penn-Jackson (Trailblazer)

Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison –Lenski

**Many of the historical fiction books can be moved here if they don't get chosen or if using a sequel

Adventures Down Under Series

Cooper Kids series –Frank Peretti

Ladd Family Adventures –Lee Roddy

The Daring Adventures of Penhaligon Brush

Adventure of Hank the Cow dog


Ben and Me-Lawson

Any of the Fritz books

Bears on Hemlock MOuntain-Dagliesh

My Life as a Smashed Burrito (Wally McDoogle series)

Misadventures of Willie Plummet

Science Fiction/Fantasy

Qwerty Stevens Stuck in Time with Benjamin Franklin (also humor)

Oh Say I Can’t See (Time Warp Trio) (also humor)

Indian in the Cupboard

Chronicles of Narnia

Spell of the Crystal Chair (Seven Sleepers, Lost Chronicles #1)

Door Within Trilogy

Wilderking Trilogy

Archives of Arthropos

Wrinkle in Time

Ordinary Princess

Landon Snow

Land of Elyon



American Girl Mystery Series

Carole Marsh Mystery books

Adventures of the Northwoods series

Accidental Detectives series

Red Rock Mysteries

Mandie and the Secret tunnel (series)

Sugar Creek Gang series

3 cousins detectives serie

Folk Tales

American Folktales

Various Native American legends

Realistic Fiction

Here’s Lily series

Winnie the Horse Gentler series

Sophie’s World Series

Cul De Sac Kids series

High Hurdles series

Adventures in Odyssey series

Edited by AuntPol
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