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Grammar Island, etc. - what to buy?


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We just started using this recently and I am happy with our decision to try it with only the TMs. It seems the only difference (although I haven't seen the student books) is that the TMs have small boxes/circles with suggested points of discussion/further information. I believe the Practice Island you need both as it is more of a workbook. We got the Basic homeschool package I think and it has worked great though we haven't used it very long.

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I got the package with only the teacher's manual, and it was fine without the student book. However, I believe that they have since revised the books and now a separate student book is required for Grammar Island. (Building Language and Music of the Hemispheres can still be done with just the TM.)

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:iagree:with the above posters: you really only need the TMs for Island level. Although, I don't know if any of the others addressed this, but RFWP DID just update/change Grammar Island and according to the email I got, they are now recommending that you buy BOTH the TM and student books for Grammar Island. :glare: I have the previous edition and it is fine and I have NOT looked at the new one, so don't know the reasoning behind the recommendation. You could email or call RFWP and ask? The TMs are great for Building Vocab., Music of the Hemispheres (LOVE this book!), and Sentence Island. You WILL want the TM and student book for Practice Island. HTH!

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal

You need the Student books for Grammar Island (it was rewritten in December and now requires the Student Book) and Practice Island. Everything else you only need the Teacher Manual.

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